PCOSA Awareness Association

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Meet the BLOGGER

1. What age were you diagnosed?

19, (which is almost 4 years ago), I had blood samples taken, and a couple of ultrasound examinations to check for cysts on my ovaries. I was in my first year of uni and it was a lot to deal with at the time.

2. What age did you notice symptom start?

13, I had acne and dark patches but the patches were never properly diagnosed. I began gaining weight around this age too and when I was 15/16 my periods stopped being regular.

3. What symptoms have you had?

Acne, Dark patches, Irregular/Absent periods, thinning of my hair, Weight gain & Difficulty loosing weight

4. What was your first reaction when you were diagnosed?

‘Oh sh*t, now what’ ha, to be honest I don’t actually remember now. It had been talked about that I possibly had it by Doctors but I’d not had a diagnosis until that point. I remember feeling overwhelmingly worried about the symptoms and terrified about if i’d be able to have children one day or not. Uncertaintly about things is terrifying and there wasn’t a whole heap of advice given to me either and I think that’s quite often the case, (in the UK anyway, i don’t know what its like else where). My mum was so incredibly supportive when I was diagnosed. I saw a dietician who wasn’t worried about what I ate but recommended Low-GI foods for managing PCOS. Mum bought Low-GI cookbooks and got me some books on managing and dealing with PCOS. We did lots of research together and looked at what steps I could take to lessen symptoms!

5. Have you taken any medication for PCOS?

Previously i’ve taken Metformin and Yasmin Birth control pill. I also took ‘hair skin and nails’ vitamin tablets and Vitamin B but now I don’t take any.

6. How do you manage your PCOS?

I no longer take any prescribed tablets for my PCOS. I exercise 5 days most weeks, a mixture of Zumba 2 times a week, swimming 2/3 times a week, dance on the wii usually once a week, running twice a week and i’m about to start Badminton one evening too! I walk as well as much as possible and fit in cycling when I can too, the lighter summer nights are going to be the best for cycling after work! I am incredibly conscious about what I eat. I’m a lifelong vegetarian and I predominently eat Low-GI, non-starchy, plant based meals with almost no bread (a pitta every few weeks normally) and very little pasta. When I do eat pasta I eat wholemeal Spaghetti! So far i’ve lost 28 pounds and I have another 28 to go to reach my goal weight. Weight loss has been my main way of managing my symptoms and I work best when I have a routine for exercising. I’ve recently had blood samples taken to measure my hormone levels, and they’ve dropped to normal levels! Absolutely huge news for me and beyond happy!!!

7. What to look out for with PCOS?

Look out for changes in your menstrual cycle and weight. There’s so many other signals, for me it was acne and dark skin patches which were a result of insulin resistance. Looking out for these early signs can help you get a diagnosis sooner. A diagnosis isn’t the answer to dealing with it, but it enables you to know what you’re up against and start working with your body to help it out.

Now, steal this post and make your own! If you want…

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I finally feel like i’m in control of my body!

2013 to 2015! I started my journey one year ago in July 2014.

Pcos makes it hard, but I’m fighting it every single damn day and I’m never going to stop.

These photos are really emotional for me because the two from 2013 represent a time in my life when I wasn’t unhappy, but I wasn’t comfortable in my own skin either. I had accepted that my body would just gain weight indefinitely because of pcos and felt lacking in control. Skip forward to the photos taken last saturday before a wedding reception and you’re looking at someone with a whole new outlook on life. I finally feel in control. I felt so self conscious last night but also SO confident at the same time.

These photos represent my health to me. My hormone levels have dropped to within healthy ranges (I’m just flawed by what an achievement that is, overtime i think about it), my periods are back and regular like clockwork, my acne is gone and my moods are much more stable.

It’s taken and is taking a lot of hard work, and for anyone in a similar position to the one I was in before the weight finally started to shift, I just want to say, ‘Don’t give in’.

It sounds so cliche! Sorry! But it’s really true.

No slogan has ever been more fitting than Nikes ‘Just do it’ because that’s all you really need to do. Now, I know first hand that you can be doing lots of exercise, eating well and still not loosing weight, I know it because I was there, for years. But the whole point of ‘just do it’ is to persist. Persisting pays off, try new things, try new diets, find what works for you.

Nothing is impossible. (as i’m finding out)

Have a lovely week beautiful women!

Katherine xxx

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Self Worth

You don’t need anyone else to tell you that you’re pretty, kind, funny, etc before you realise it yourself. 

Understanding that you are a wonderful, beautiful, empowered and strong human being doesn’t come from feeling validated by others, it comes from being able to love yourself, by realising your worth and embracing who you are. 

Pcos can take your self worth feelings away because the symptoms aren’t always societies epitome of what beauty is.

Who the f*ck determines what beauty is anyway. 

Don’t let Pcos take your self worth away from you. You’re beautiful. Inside and out and no one can tell you any different. 

Time spent worrying what others think, just detracts away from time spent enjoying life and no one is worthy of taking that time away. 

Stay strong beautiful women, embrace your inner goddess and be a full time badass. 

Katherine x 

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That’s the way the cookie crumbles

After doing the three day diet, 2 weeks in a row I didn’t lose a ton of the weight I thought I was, but I did notice I lost a lot of inches. I lost about 7 pounds…making me down a total of 12 since I started on January 5th. I’m happy with it…I can totally tell a difference. But why am I disappointed? I guess because I (like everyone) want to be stick thin…I just want to have a nice body, no flab, no anything…I want to be able to wear a bikini, look in the mirror and say damn I look good!, instead of wearing a tankini and constantly being discouraged. I don’t want to live a life where I’m always dieting. Always watching what I eat, how many calories I consume, not having what I enjoy…But we don’t live in a perfect world.  I guess what I have to realize is that I’m doing it for my health…to reduce the risk of diabetes, of heart disease and to help my PCOS. I guess that’s the most important thing right? Not only am I disappointed because I thought I’d see more results…but I’m also upset because I know that while I’m in Disney I’m going to fudge up now and then, and ruin the work I’ve done so far. It took me a while to look better than what I did a few months ago…but I suppose that’s the way this cookie crumbles. Slip up, then get back on track…slip up then get back on track…it’s like a never ending cycle! We have to be in the right mind set. Knowing that we can nip those setbacks in the butt and become stronger and better than we were before.

Anyways— I totally recommend the three day diet. I think that when I come back from Disney I’m going to do it for a few weeks, Monday-Wednesday. I suggest doing it the three days before you have a vacation planned, or wedding or some big party you want to look good for…You do see results and I’m glad that I did it. A few facts:

    • I was hungry between meals but what I did was drank a lot of water. That made me full until the next meal. So I recommend drinking A LOT of water!
    • It depends on the person, but I wasn’t weak or anything…I made sure I took my vitamins every morning I did it.
    • I only worked out once while doing it. I felt strong enough to work out even though they suggest not too…My recommendation though: I would skip heavy cardio exercise (like running or jogging or the elliptical) for those three days and only stick to light workouts like sit-ups, jumping jacks or squats.

After I did the three day diet last week, I had four days off. I was able to eat healthy and maintain the weight that I lost. For dinner I came up with new and healthy recipes that I came across Pinterest. One of the meals I made on Thursday night was too good not to post a recipe. If you’re a Chicken lover, you’ll love this! Diabetic/PCOS friendly…so good, you’ll make this a regular dish!


Balsamic Glazed Chicken over Spinach

Servings: 4


  • Four boneless skinless chicken breasts (I used Perdue)
  • 1 ½ teaspoons dried thyme
  • Salt/pepper to taste
  • 2 teaspoons olive oil
  • 1/3 cup water
  • ¼ cup balsamic vinegar
  • 2 teaspoons honey
  • 2 tablespoons of butter cut into pats
  • 1 bag spinach



  • Mix thyme, salt and pepper in a small bowl. Pat both sides of chicken with the spice mixture.
  • Heat a large skillet with the olive oil over medium heat. Add the chicken, cook for 2-3 minutes. Turn and cook the other side for 2-3 minutes until brown. Transfer to a plate and cover with foil.
  • Add water, vinegar and honey to the skillet. Bring to a boil stirring constantly. Boil for 2 minutes or until slightly syrupy and reduce by half. Add the butter and stir until melted.
  • Reduce heat to medium-low and return the chicken to the pan. Cook for about 3 minutes in the glaze and then flip and cook the other side for an additional 3 minutes or until ready.


  • Place one bag of spinach in a large skillet and sprinkle water on top. Place the lid on and cook on medium-high heat until ready.
  • Add salt/pepper to taste.
  • *(I added chopped cherry tomatoes and fresh garlic.)
  • Serve with chicken

Of course I forgot to take a picture, but it was truly a low calorie, tasty chicken dish.

I will not be blogging for the next week or so since I will be on vacation in the most happiest place on earth. I will be sure to take lots of pictures ….Ciao! 🙂


PCOS teal ribbon All the best, Sarah

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6 more weeks..

As per Punxsutawney Phil, we get to endure another 6 more weeks of cold, snowy, icy, winter. I don’t know how I feel about this. I want to say I hate it because every other day it’s snowing, hailing and brutally cold…but then the other half of me doesn’t mind it, because it gives me a little more time to get fit and lose a little more weight before spring. So what’s more important to me, being a little cold or giving myself more time to look how I want to look? I’ll take the six more weeks, thanks Phil! 🙂

I feel like every day it’s something different with me…what I’m eating new, what I’m negating and adding to my meals and workout plans, etc. I decided I’m trying something new for the next two weeks until I go to Disney. I’m sure you’ve all heard of the Three Day Military Diet? Well. I started it yesterday and going to do it until tomorrow…and same thing next week, Mon-Wed. I’ve done it in the past and the results were outstanding…I myself am able to lose 8-9 pounds in the three day span…so if I do it a few times there will be more results and wallla…down to my ideal weight. Now it really isn’t that easy especially for us with PCOS. It takes us a lot more time to lose weight and even worse, keep the weight off. I never tried the two week in a row thing…and the 4 days after I always ate what I wanted to so I never really kept the weight off. But this time it’s different. I’m going to be strict and eat clean (like I have been for the past few weeks) and work out of the days I’m not doing the 3 day diet (because you really shouldn’t work out while doing it…you’re weak as it is so you want your body to adjust and be comfortable with eating less).

So here it is for those of you who don’t know:

Day One:


  • 1 cup coffee or tea (black)
  • 1 slice whole wheat toast
  • 2 tablespoons of Peanut Butter
  • ½ grapefruit


  • ½ cup Tuna
  • 1 slice of whole wheat toast
  • 1 cup of coffee or tea (black)


  • 3oz of any meat
  • 1 cup green beans
  • ½ banana
  • 1 small apple
  • 1 cup of vanilla ice-cream

Day Two:


  • 1 egg cooked however you like
  • ½ banana
  • 1 slice of whole wheat toast



  • 1 hardboiled egg
  • 1 cup cottage cheese (can substitute for plain Tuna)
  • 5 saltine crackers


  • 2 hot dogs (no buns)
  • ½ cup carrots
  • 1 cup broccoli
  • ½ banana
  • ½ cup vanilla ice-cream

Day Three:


  • 1 small apple
  • 5 saltine crackers
  • 1 slice cheddar cheese


  • 1 egg (cooked however you like)
  • 1 slice whole wheat toast


  • 1 cup tuna (plain)
  • ½ banana
  • 1 cup vanilla ice-cream

The Rules:

  • Must not snack in between meals
  • Can only use seasonings and condiments such as: Salt, pepper, garlic powder, red pepper flakes, mustard, ketchup
  • You can save something from one meal and eat it later or as a snack. It doesn’t matter when you eat it only matters that you eat everything that’s on the menu for the three days…nothing more, nothing less. (oh and yes—you can save the ice-cream for desert!)


If any of you try this, please let me know how the results are! I will update you all on my progress as well.


PCOS teal ribbon All the best, Sarah

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The pressure is on

This week the East coast got hit with Snow Storm Juno, dumping about 20 inches+ of that fluffy white stuff. Although it was a pretty view with glistening trees, the state called a mandatory curfew on Monday night and forced people to stay home on Tuesday. Luckily, almost everyone had a snow day or two, but as of today, it’s back to reality for some people, including myself. As the snow fell, I couldn’t help but think “only 18 more days till Disney. Only 18 more days and I’m out of this mess…” Which then led me to think…”Damnit…only 18 more days, which is 2 and a half more weeks to get down to my goal weight!” So the pressure is on as now I only have 17 more days to slim down. I have been eating healthy (with the exception of this weeks snow days…let’s just say I splurged and bought a box of chips ahoy cookies…and by today ((Wednesday)) there are only 5 cookies left.) I know, I know, bad me…but I did make up for it by exercising and shoveling my heart out! I had the chance of working out all week…Yesterday I was outside for 2 and a half hours shoveling my driveway with my parents, as well as all our elderly neighbors’ we help on the block….when I got back in, I was starving and pigged out…took a nap…then after dinner I went on the treadmill and worked out even more. On top of the 2 and a half hours of shoveling, I ran/power-walked 2 miles as well as my crunches, jumping jacks, squats and more. — Then I had more cookies. Today it’s back to work, back to reality, back to clean eating. I had two days of splurging, but now the pressure is on…DISNEY!

IMG_2421 (1)


So here are some updates on my progress since after the holidays. I’m happy with the progress on my arms and legs…but wish I can lose my pouch. No matter how many crunches and ab exercises I do, I feel like everywhere on my body gets toned EXCEPT my stomach. It’s really frustrating because that’s all I care about..my stomach…not my arms, not my legs, not my neck…my stomach.


  • Before pic: 12/01/14
  • After pic: 1/27/15




  • Before Pics: 12/15/14
  • After Pics: 1/27/15



I don’t have a before picture of my stomach laying down, but here’s a picture I took on Saturday, 1/17, and  yesterday, 1/27/15. It’s getting there…not as fast as the other parts but slowly but surely I’m making progress. I have a few before and after’s of me in the mirror with a bra and underwear but I’m a little reluctant to put them online.  (Hope you ladies understand)


I like these before and after pics, and think I’m going to continue posting through out my journey. It shows a real woman’s with PCOS progress without being photo shopped or tampered with (as you see on Pinterest or other sites.)


PCOS teal ribbon All the best, Sarah


A little bit of this, and a little bit of that

So I’m a little late with blogging this week and I apologize for that…Been extremely busy dealing with insurance companies, both health and car…..Here’s a brief update with what’s been happening:

  • Last Thursday evening I got into a car accident, a 5 car pile-up. Luckily myself and everyone else who were involved were perfectly fine, no injuries. It wasn’t that bad—just everyone stopping short, kind of a chain reaction type of thing. After several days of waiting for the insurance company to call, obtaining a police report, etc., I’m finally going to have my car fixed this weekend. One thing is for certain though…I thank God from the bottom of my heart that everyone was okay. The accident could have been a lot worse, and I just pray every day that God was good to me, and to all of us.


  • I heard back from my Endocrinologist and I am officially 10 days off Metformin. (As I’m typing I had to counts few times to make sure it was 10…wow it really has been a while since I blogged.) But being off the Met, I feel good! I’ve been maintain my weight loss and other than the “withdrawing” symptoms I feel great! (Hormones are all crazy…one minute I’m a little angel the next I’m a crazy mad women) but that should all go away soon. I love the fact that I only have to take the Spironolactone along with my other vitamins!


  • My diet is on point…Still using the Myfitnesspal app which is awesome and highly recommended if you’re not already using it. I’ve been sticking to less than 1200 cals a day plus 4-5 days a week of exercising. I feel good. I’m motivated and in good spirits 🙂


So as promised, here’s a recipe I’d like to share with you all!

For all you fish lovers, last week I made a scrumptious Salmon that I found on Pinterest. (Have I mentioned that I LOVE LOVE LOVE Pinterest!?) It’s a foil bake salon with asparagus and I made a baked potato on the side. (Cuz you all know how much I love potatoes Lol) The salmon/asparagus combo is only 239 calories per serving…so that with a baked potato were a whopping 400 calories for dinner! Awesome right!?  Here ya go:



  • 4 salmon fillets
  • 3 lemons
  • 2 tbsp butter (cut into 8 pats)
  • 1.5lb asparagus
  • Salt/pepper/garlic powder to taste


  • Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
  • Wash asparagus and cut the bottoms of the spears.
  • Sprinkle salt/pepper/ garlic powder and squeeze lemon on top of the asparagus and place on aluminum foil (a good size to fit the salmon fillet…I fit 7 spears in the foil)
  • Place the salmon on top of the asparagus with 2 pats of butter on each fillet, and sprinkle with the seasonings and more 2 slices of lemon on each fillet.
  • Fold the foil patches and leave them seam side up. Place in the oven for 25-30 minutes.

Quick, easy and delicious!


PCOS teal ribbon All the best, Sarah

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Skipping the Met

Day after day, meal after meal, exercise after exercise, I’m beginning to slim down and shed the pounds. I feel good…but I could feel better…and I think I know the reason why. 2 years ago I was able to lose weight very quickly while dieting and exercising. Since then, I have been losing the weight, but I find it much more difficult. I was put on Metformin in the summer of 2012, and putting two and two together, it has been since then that I’ve been struggling more and more. In some cases Metformin helps people with PCOS lose weight, but in other cases, like me, it makes me gain and harder to lose. The reason why I was put on Metformin (in addition to the Spiro) was because of the excess facial hair. Honestly, it hasn’t even been working for the hair that much, but my doctor insisted that I stay on it. (My uncle who’s a doctor has all my lab work…every time I get it done, I send a copy to him and he has no idea why I’m on the Met. As a doctor, he said I couldn’t take his advice and get off it, since my Endo is the one who should tell me too. But no. She wants me on it.) I left a message for her this morning and have yet to hear back.  I wanna know if I’m able to do a trial and error with myself. My next apt is in May…I wanna see how if I skip the Met and just take the Spiro and my birth control from now until then, if I lose weight, maintain the weight and how my blood work is once off.

Has anyone else had this problem with the Metformin, as well as using trial and error to see which medications are right for you? I would love some advice!

In regards to my exercises and dieting…like I said, I have been losing weight but not as much or as fast as I used too. I do have to say that my buns look great! I’ve been doing squats and am happy with that progression. I’ve been taking pictures for myself to compare each week…but I’m not confident enough to put up those pics of me in my undies, like you see all over Pinterest.

I do have some great recipes to share next time 🙂


PCOS teal ribbon All the best, Sarah

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Like a Broken Record

Into the first full week of 2015, as I mentioned, I started my post-holiday weight loss plan. I officially lost 3.6 pounds and although it’s not much, I am very proud. My goal is to lose 15lbs before I go to Disney in February, and while I’m their, try my hardest to maintain the weight. It’s going to be extremely difficult, passing up those Turkey legs in Frontier Land, drinking around the world in Epcot, and most of all, the Mickey shaped Ice cream bars all over the park (my weakness!). I deserve this. I deserve to gain my self-confidence back…to be able to look in the mirror and say damn, I look good! EVERYONE deserves it, and with strong will and determination it can be done. I know, I sound like a broken record…every time I start a new diet, I always seem to slip up….I’m motivated for the first few weeks and then a binge comes alone and knocks me off my feet. This time is different. This time, I come first…my body comes first…and more importantly, my health comes first.

I switched my meal plans up and am really happy so far with the outcome. Back to counting calories, tracking my food, exercise and water intake with myftinesspal. A sample of what I’m eating per day:


Before Breakfast:

  • Hot Water, Honey and Cinnamon regimen                                             60 Calories
  • (As stated in my previous blog)


  • ½ Grapefruit                                                                                                    50 calories
  • 1 hardboiled egg                                                                                              78 calories
  • Large coffee from Dunkin Donuts with Skim milk                                   45 calories



  • Spinach with mixed greens                                                                          20 Calories
  • 3 ox of grilled chicken lightly seasoned with salt and pepper               110 Calories
  • 2 clementine’s                                                                                                  66 calories


  • 1 Banana                                                                                                             100 Calories
  • 1 tablespoon reduced fat Peanut Butter                                                       80 Calories


  • 6oz steamed shrimp                                                                                       164 Calories
  • 1 cup brown rice                                                                                              216 Calories
  • 1 cup broccoli                                                                                                    78 Calories

Before Bed:

  • Hot Water, Honey and Cinnamon regimen                                           60 Calories


Total daily calorie intake:                                                                        1127 Calories


My daily food calorie intake I’m trying to keep under 1200. I could negate the calories burned for food, but I don’t. I strictly eat less than 1200 a day and then work out as “extra” calories were burned, and not eaten.

After dinner you can usually find me downstairs, on my treadmill, working up a sweat while listening to Pandora’s Disney station. I tell ya, Disney songs and working out go hand in hand…Singing at the top of my lungs while pausing to dance (and still burning calories) really feel great! (I have 37 days to go until vacation so I must be prepared!) I found a couple of exercises that I really enjoyed on Pinterest. I was hurting the day after I started them so it definitely works for me.  Here’s a sample of what I’ve been doing:



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NOTE: I do this routine 3 times…they say to do it 5, but it’s too much for me right now, plus with the other workout I’m doing. Maybe in a week or two once my body is used to the changes, I can work myself up.


All over workout:


NOTE: I do this three times (as it says). Once before my workout, and twice after.

It takes a lot of hard work and dedication, and I am determined to get to my goal weight (Again…. Like a broken record). Gotta start somewhere though, right!?! 🙂


PCOS teal ribbon All the best, Sarah

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Happy New Year Lovelies!

I hope you’re enjoying the start of 2015! I cannot believe how fast it has come around!
I make a habit of not making any resolutions because words are often meaningless without actions and actions really make the difference! I love the idea of joining a gym and going every day but that’s just not practical for me at the moment, and I hate gyms. I prefer my exercise to not intrude too much on my day, so cycling to a place I need to be has always been my preferred workout method!

My Plan

Last year I was 1 stone 5 pounds heavier than I am now. This time next year, I will be 2 stone lighter than I am now. That’s not up for debate in my mind, and I see it as fact. I’m on a weight loss journey and well, slow and steady does win the race!

I never stopped counting my calories using ‘Myfitnesspal’ app but christmas and new year just feels like a tougher time to control everything, and I may have had the odd biscuit or couple of Cadbury Roses here and there which I didn’t log in my app. (Ooooops!) But, right back on it now, all the Roses and goodies are gone! I’m only cheating myself if I cheat my calorie app!
I’m sitting at my desk right now eating tomato soup for my lunch which is souper tasty…(apparently it’s lame jokes o’clock)✌️
So bring it on 2015, I’m ready! 😁

I’m always worried about what i’m eating because my job means I sit behind a desk all day. I’ve found a place to park just outside the city which means I can park for free and cycle in to work! (4 miles a day) Which will make a huge difference to me and hopefully my now stagnant weight loss will kick back into gear again!!!

Think about what you want to achieve or what you want to improve on this year, but never cease to forget what you’ve already achieved, because quite often, it’s really quite spectacular. ✌️

(Also, I stopped taking my pill this month as a bit of an experiment! I’ll let you know how that works out for me)

Have a beautiful week

Katherine x